My Personal Letter To God

Sometimes instead of just posting and praying, I have a moment where I want to just cry out and share with my Father and this is okay.  Although I have shared my letter here, I want you to know that it is okay to stop, cry, write, or scream out to God when you need Him.  He knows your struggle and He knows your needs and He is here! Today I am thankful for His omnipresence....So grateful...

If you ever want to pray, or need me to pray for you....Inbox me. I am here.

Dear God-

My precious and holy father, you are my source of strength and I am grateful. You are the God of my salvation, for it is in you that I live move and have my being, and I thank you! You chose me as your own, and with that I am a joint heir to the throne. You gave your son Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, to die on my behalf, and I won’t let the rocks cry out on my behalf.  If I had ten thousand tongues, it still would not be enough to proclaim your worth and my constant gratitude. I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. It is unto you, God that I continuously offer the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to your name.
Lord, continue to guide my footsteps as I walk daily and seek to grow my knowledge and understanding of you. I thank you for our continuous conversations and how you are shifting me and pouring into my life.  I thank you for heightening my understanding of spiritual gifts and helping me see my gifts.  Thank you for sharpening my ability to discern and hear your voice.  Continue to strengthen my intercessory prayer abilities and spiritual ears and eyes to pray for those you have placed in my path. I cancel any negative assignment of the enemy and declare and decree that I will move forward with boldness doing all that you have called me to do.
Father God, I thank you for my family.  Please cover them and give me the words to draw them closer to you.  I am a walking epistle and no matter how they may chide me, I will continuously press into your love and your peace so that I can live and love in excellence.  I know that these jokes are a ploy of the enemy to divide and conquer, but your word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him and for that I am thankful.
Lord, I thank you for your continued protection. Please continue to pour into my finances!  Your word says we should not worry about our life, what we will eat or what we will drink; nor about our bodies, what I will put on. For if you take care of the birds that neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, I know you will also take care of me!
I thank you for your love and your continued covering.  I will continuously seek thy face and thy will for my life forever and ever amen.



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